Baptism, which is also called Christening, is the service which marks the occasion when a person becomes part of the family of the church. It can take place at any age, from babe in arms to OAP.
With young children, it is also an opportunity to give thanks for the birth of a child. Families and friends celebrate together.
We are always glad to hear from parents who would like their child baptised.
One of the Ministers will arrange to meet with the you to talk about baptism and to look at the promises which parents, godparents and the church make at a baptism.
Sometimes parents prefer to have a Service of Thanksgiving which provides an opportunity for them to give thanks for the birth of their child without making the same promises that are involved in a baptism, and we are more than happy to do this.
Baptism is also the way in which those who are older become part of the church. In this service they declare their desire to follow Christ and to share in the life of the Christian family. If you would like to explore what it means to be baptised as a teenager or adult, get in touch and we are happy to chat about it.