Coronavirus Updates
Updated 21st mARCH 2022
Following Government guidance, our churches are once again open for worship and all other activities. Risk assessments continue to be carried out regularly to ensure everyone's safety.
We respect people's own choices to continue to wear masks and to leave a distance between themselves and others whilst in church.
We are continuing to hold Zoom Worship every Sunday - details here.

Updated 24th June 2020 - 11:00
Government Guidelines announced on 23rd June allow churches to open for worship from 4th July 2020.
We are currently working on plans to reopen, but do not have a date for this to happen yet. We are continuing to hold Zoom Worship every Sunday - details here.
Updated 24th March 2020 - 11:00
It is with great sadness that we have taken the decision for church services, meetings and events to cease for the time being. This follows guidance from the Government and from the Methodist Connexion.
Following Government announcements on Monday 23rd March, we are no longer able to open our churches for private prayer.
Click Here to read Rev Richard Mottershead's letter to the Circuit.
While we can't worship together, there are a range or worship resources for you to use at home, which can be found here